Memorial Day weekend was a deadly time on the highways around the state of Mississippi. According to Mississippi Highway Patrol, there were 129 accidents over the three-day weekend including three fatalities. The numbers represent an increase from the 101 accidents and zero deaths that occurred last Memorial Day.
A spokesperson for the department says that over the same period, state troopers issued 7,380 traffic citations, including 177 arrests for driving under the influence. The especially aggressive traffic enforcement campaign was the result of federal grant money, which allowed the Highway Patrol to place an additional 250 officers on the road over the holiday period. The numbers this year were plenty high enough, but were eclipsed by last year. According to troopers, more than 8,300 citations were issued last year and 246 DUI arrests were made.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the chances of getting into a car accident are highest in the summer. From road trips and vacations, to holidays like Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day, we’re on the road more, traveling long distances by car.
According to the DOT, the group with the highest risk of getting in an accident are teens between the ages of 15 and 20 years old. School’s out, and they’re eager to get out of the house, driving with less experience and more distractions than ever before. Some of the best ways to avoid potentially deadly accidents this summer involve minimizing distraction.
Make sure to avoid using cellphones while driving as study after study has shown that they can dramatically increase the risk of a car accident. If your teen driver has places to go, it’s critical to keep the number of friends in the car to a minimum. More loud noise and people to talk to can create deadly distractions for young drivers who simply don’t have enough experience behind the wheel to safely drive with friends in the car.
Even though the common way of describing a car crash is to label it an “accident”, the fact is many if not all could have been avoided. If another driver’s careless or negligent behavior leads to a serious collision, they are considered legally responsible for the damage they cause. To ensure you receive the full compensation you’re entitled to, it’s critical that you reach out to an experienced Mississippi car accident attorney who has successfully handled similar cases in the past.
If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in a car accident resulting from someone’s negligence, please contact the Jackson / Ridgeland auto accident lawyers at Kilpatrick & Philley at 601-707-4669.
Source: “Mississippi Highway Patrol troopers work 129 accidents on holiday weekend, 3 fatal ones,” by The Associated Press, published at
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