Yesterday, Judge Barbier issued an order basically telling BP that enough is enough with their frivolous appeals. What this means is that, if you have received an Eligibility Notice that BP has appealed based upon its arguments like smoothing, etc., that the Claims Center is to promptly cut you your check because BP’s argument has already been rejected by Judge Barbier many times. It would appear that those recurrent appeals to the Appeals Panel are over, and therefore, denied.
Earlier, the Fifth Circuit denied BP’s request for emergency stay on their attempts to do an end around (by suing the Claim Administrator, Pat Juneau) on the Settlement Agreement since it is not appealable by any party.
If you’ve been impacted by this or any other oil spill, don’t hesitate to contact the Mississippi BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill lawyers at Kilpatrick & Philley at toll free (877) 856-0330.
Source: “Federal judge rejects BP’s attempt to block oil spill claim payments,” by Richard Thompson, published at
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